ART/2D 2nd Grading Period.

Last Revised: November 7, 2014


Second Grading Period

Week 3


Nov. 3 - 7
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week -
    1. 1Artist of the week - Hieronymus Bosch
    2. Paintings
  3. Artist of the week 2
    1. 1Artist of the week - Stuart Davis
  4. Pumpkin Face Design - Due Mon.
    1. Fantastic pumpkin faces
    2. sm
    3. Goals:
      1. Invent a spooky pumpin face.
      2. Place it on the page in an interesting way.
      3. Show depth by the lines of the pumpkin and the thickness.
      4. VA.912.S.1.4
      5. VA.912.C.2.1
      6. VA.912.F.1.3
      7. VA.912.F.3.4
      8. VA.912.H.3.2
      9. VA.912.O.1.1
      10. VA.912.O.2.2
      11. VA.912.O.3.1
      12. VA.912.S.3.4
      13. VA.912.S.3.7
  5. Your own design - Fill in Positive and Negative spaces to create an original design.
    1. Negative/Positive review
    2. Create a strong and complex negative and positive space design.
    3. Place it in the grid provided
    4. Be sure your design goes off the page enough to create a variety of sizes and shapes of the negative and positive spaces
    5. Goals:
      1. The negative spaces should be varied in shape and size
      2. The shapes filled in should create an original and balanced design.
      3. VA.912.S.1.4
      4. VA.912.C.2.1
      5. VA.912.F.1.3
      6. VA.912.F.3.4
      7. VA.912.H.3.2
      8. VA.912.O.1.1
      9. VA.912.O.2.2
      10. VA.912.O.3.1
      11. VA.912.S.3.4
      12. VA.912.S.3.7
  6. When you get done with this assignment
    1. go to this link and pick something you would like to do.
    2. Or do the hills and valley name assignment.
  7. Notan - Notan Video
    1. notan
    2. Page 2
    3. Example
    4. Example 2
    5. Goals:
      1. Explore Negative and Positive space design
      2. Think about:
        1. Scale - have a variety of sizes
        2. Shape - have a variety of shapes
        3. Balance - be sure the over all design is in balance
        4. VA.912.S.1.4
        5. VA.912.C.2.1
        6. VA.912.F.1.3
        7. VA.912.F.3.4
        8. VA.912.H.3.2
        9. VA.912.O.1.1
        10. VA.912.O.2.2
        11. VA.912.O.3.1
        12. VA.912.S.3.4
        13. VA.912.S.3.7
  8. Jasper Johns Band Poster
    1. Pre Jasper Johns Numbers design
      1. num..........NumbersColor
      2. Goals:
        1. Organize your colors and values so that one of the overlapping numbers stands out
        2. VA.912.S.1.4
        3. VA.912.C.2.1
        4. VA.912.F.1.3
        5. VA.912.F.3.4
        6. VA.912.H.3.2
        7. VA.912.O.1.1
        8. VA.912.O.2.2
        9. VA.912.O.3.1
        10. VA.912.S.3.4
        11. VA.912.S.3.7
    2. jj
      1. Goals:
        1. On a 12x18 sheet of drawing paper create a 1 inch grid
        2. In each grid box outline 2 different letters - each letter must have a thicknes and can not be made of just a line.
        3. Now design a poster with your favorite band and CD name.
        4. Color in all the letters making the band's name and the CD's name stand out from the background letters.
        5. VA.912.S.1.4
        6. VA.912.C.2.1
        7. VA.912.F.1.3
        8. VA.912.F.3.4
        9. VA.912.H.3.2
        10. VA.912.O.1.1
        11. VA.912.O.2.2
        12. VA.912.O.3.1
        13. VA.912.S.3.4
        14. VA.912.S.3.7
  1. week

  2. Compare and Contrast
  3. Magic Eye - Paying attention to what we can do.
  4. Goals Pages
    1. Page 1
    2. Page 2
    3. Page 3
    4. Page 4



Second Grading Period

Week 2


OCT. 27-30
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week -
    1. 1 Wayne Thiebaud
      1. Wayne Thiebaud -Sunday morning
  3. Seven Rows Design Due - Tues.
    1. SM
    2. Create a design that goes off the page on at least 3 sides.
    3. Copy this design on all the squares.
    4. The first two rows fill in the negative spaces.
    5. Last two rows fill in the positive spaces.
    6. Middle row alternate filling in the Negative in one and the Positive in the next as in the examples below.
    7. Goals
      1. Touch at least 3 sides with your positive shape.
      2. Create an orgaized design over the whole page.
      3. VA.912.S.1.4
      4. VA.912.C.2.1
      5. VA.912.F.1.3
      6. VA.912.F.3.4
      7. VA.912.H.3.2
      8. VA.912.O.1.1
      9. VA.912.O.2.2
      10. VA.912.O.3.1
      11. VA.912.S.3.4
      12. VA.912.S.3.7
  4. Pumpkin Face Design -
    1. Fantastic pumpkin faces
    2. sm
    3. Goals:
      1. Invent a spooky pumpin face.
      2. Place it on the page in an interesting way.
      3. Show depth by the lines of the pumpkin and the thickness.
      4. VA.912.S.1.4
      5. VA.912.C.2.1
      6. VA.912.F.1.3
      7. VA.912.F.3.4
      8. VA.912.H.3.2
      9. VA.912.O.1.1
      10. VA.912.O.2.2
      11. VA.912.O.3.1
      12. VA.912.S.3.4
      13. VA.912.S.3.7
  5. Your own design - Fill in Positive and Negative spaces to create an original design.
    1. Create a strong negative and positive design
    2. Place it in the grid provided
    3. Be sure your design goes off the page enough to create a variety of sizes and shapes of the negative spaces
    4. Goals:
      1. The negative spaces should be varied in shape and size
      2. The shapes filled in should create an original and balanced design.
      3. VA.912.S.1.4
      4. VA.912.C.2.1
      5. VA.912.F.1.3
      6. VA.912.F.3.4
      7. VA.912.H.3.2
      8. VA.912.O.1.1
      9. VA.912.O.2.2
      10. VA.912.O.3.1
      11. VA.912.S.3.4
      12. VA.912.S.3.7
  6. When you get done with this assignment
    1. go to this link and pick something you would like to do.
    2. Or do the hills and valley name assignment.
  7. Notan - Notan Video
    1. notan
    2. Page 2
    3. Example
    4. Example 2
    5. Goals:
      1. Explore Negative and Positive space design
      2. Think about:
        1. Scale - have a variety of sizes
        2. Shape - have a variety of shapes
        3. Balance - be sure the over all design is in balance
        4. VA.912.S.1.4
        5. VA.912.C.2.1
        6. VA.912.F.1.3
        7. VA.912.F.3.4
        8. VA.912.H.3.2
        9. VA.912.O.1.1
        10. VA.912.O.2.2
        11. VA.912.O.3.1
        12. VA.912.S.3.4
        13. VA.912.S.3.7
  8. Jasper Johns Band Poster
    1. Pre Jasper Johns Numbers design
      1. num..........NumbersColor
      2. Goals:
        1. Organize your colors and values so that one of the overlapping numbers stands out
        2. VA.912.S.1.4
        3. VA.912.C.2.1
        4. VA.912.F.1.3
        5. VA.912.F.3.4
        6. VA.912.H.3.2
        7. VA.912.O.1.1
        8. VA.912.O.2.2
        9. VA.912.O.3.1
        10. VA.912.S.3.4
        11. VA.912.S.3.7
    2. jj
      1. Goals:
        1. On a 12x18 sheet of drawing paper create a 1 inch grid
        2. In each grid box outline 2 different letters - each letter must have a thicknes and can not be made of just a line.
        3. Now design a poster with your favorite band and CD name.
        4. Color in all the letters making the band's name and the CD's name stand out from the background letters.
        5. VA.912.S.1.4
        6. VA.912.C.2.1
        7. VA.912.F.1.3
        8. VA.912.F.3.4
        9. VA.912.H.3.2
        10. VA.912.O.1.1
        11. VA.912.O.2.2
        12. VA.912.O.3.1
        13. VA.912.S.3.4
        14. VA.912.S.3.7
  1. week

  2. Compare and Contrast
  3. Magic Eye - Paying attention to what we can do.
  4. Goals Pages
    1. Page 1
    2. Page 2
    3. Page 3



Second Grading Period

Week 1


OCT. 20-24
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the Week - Thurs. - Paintings and Artists 1
    1. 1 week
    2. Roy Lichtenstein week
  3. Mondrian - DUE
    1. Mondrian
    2. PowerPoint\
      1. Web
    3. Using construction Paper Create a Mondrian style work
    4. Goals:
      1. All shapes should be different sizes
      2. Work should be asymmetrically balanced
      3. Only Primary colors, black and white to be used.
      4. Use good craftsmanship.
      5. VA.912.S.1.4
      6. VA.912.C.2.1
      7. VA.912.F.1.3
      8. VA.912.F.3.4
      9. VA.912.H.3.2
      10. VA.912.O.1.1
      11. VA.912.O.2.2
      12. VA.912.O.3.1
      13. VA.912.S.3.4
      14. VA.912.S.3.7
  4. When you get done with this assignment
    1. go to this link and pick something you would like to do.
    2. Or do the hills and valley name assignment.
  5. Figure/Ground examples - DUE TUES. OCT 21
    1. pn
    2. Positive and Negative space.
      1. Create a design in each box using your initials.
      2. You must go off the page on at least 3 sides in order to create a good number of negative shapes.
      3. Alternatly color in the Positive shapes in one box and the negative shapes in the next box.
        1. Goals:
          1. To recognize how important the negative shapes are to a composition.
          2. To use the negative shapes to define the letters.
          3. VA.912.S.1.4
          4. VA.912.C.2.1
          5. VA.912.F.1.3
          6. VA.912.F.3.4
          7. VA.912.H.3.2
          8. VA.912.O.1.1
          9. VA.912.O.2.2
          10. VA.912.O.3.1
          11. VA.912.S.3.4
          12. VA.912.S.3.7
  6. When you get done with this assignment
    1. go to this link and pick something you would like to do.
  7. Seven Rows Design
    1. SM
    2. Create a design that goes off the page on at least 3 sides.
    3. Copy this design on all the squares.
    4. The first two rows fill in the negative spaces.
    5. Last two rows fill in the positive spaces.
    6. Middle row alternate filling in the Negative in one and the Positive in the next as in the examples below.
    7. Goals
      1. Touch at least 3 sides with your positive shape.
      2. Create an orgaized design over the whole page.
      3. VA.912.S.1.4
      4. VA.912.C.2.1
      5. VA.912.F.1.3
      6. VA.912.F.3.4
      7. VA.912.H.3.2
      8. VA.912.O.1.1
      9. VA.912.O.2.2
      10. VA.912.O.3.1
      11. VA.912.S.3.4
      12. VA.912.S.3.7
  8. Your own design - Fill in Positive and Negative spaces to create an original design.
    1. Create a strong negative and positive design
    2. Place it in the grid provided
    3. Be sure your design goes off the page enough to create a variety of sizes and shapes of the negative spaces
    4. Goals:
      1. The negative spaces should be varied in shape and size
      2. The shapes filled in should create an original and balanced design.
      3. VA.912.S.1.4
      4. VA.912.C.2.1
      5. VA.912.F.1.3
      6. VA.912.F.3.4
      7. VA.912.H.3.2
      8. VA.912.O.1.1
      9. VA.912.O.2.2
      10. VA.912.O.3.1
      11. VA.912.S.3.4
      12. VA.912.S.3.7
  9. Notan - Notan Video
    1. notan
    2. Page 2
    3. Example
    4. Example 2
    5. Goals:
      1. Explore Negative and Positive space design
      2. Think about:
        1. Scale - have a variety of sizes
        2. Shape - have a variety of shapes
        3. Balance - be sure the over all design is in balance
        4. VA.912.S.1.4
        5. VA.912.C.2.1
        6. VA.912.F.1.3
        7. VA.912.F.3.4
        8. VA.912.H.3.2
        9. VA.912.O.1.1
        10. VA.912.O.2.2
        11. VA.912.O.3.1
        12. VA.912.S.3.4
        13. VA.912.S.3.7
  10. Jasper Johns Band Poster
    1. Pre Jasper Johns Numbers design
      1. num
      2. Goals:
        1. Organize your colors and values so that one of the overlapping numbers stands out
        2. VA.912.S.1.4
        3. VA.912.C.2.1
        4. VA.912.F.1.3
        5. VA.912.F.3.4
        6. VA.912.H.3.2
        7. VA.912.O.1.1
        8. VA.912.O.2.2
        9. VA.912.O.3.1
        10. VA.912.S.3.4
        11. VA.912.S.3.7
    2. jj
      1. Goals:
        1. On a 12x18 sheet of drawing paper create a 1 inch grid
        2. In each grid box outline 2 different letters - each letter must have a thicknes and can not be made of just a line.
        3. Now design a poster with your favorite band and CD name.
        4. Color in all the letters making the band's name and the CD's name stand out from the background letters.
        5. VA.912.S.1.4
        6. VA.912.C.2.1
        7. VA.912.F.1.3
        8. VA.912.F.3.4
        9. VA.912.H.3.2
        10. VA.912.O.1.1
        11. VA.912.O.2.2
        12. VA.912.O.3.1
        13. VA.912.S.3.4
        14. VA.912.S.3.7
  1. 1week

  2. Wayne Thiebaud -Sunday morning
  3. Compare and Contrast
  4. Magic Eye - Paying attention to what we can do.
  5. Goals Pages
    1. Page 1
    2. Page 2
    3. Page 3



















Second Grading Period


Mon. Dec. 16

Regular Schedule

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  3. Goal review - ........Assignment Goals #2
  4. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
    1. See it really BIG
  5. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
  6. Study for the Mid-Term
    1. Practical Mid-Term Review
    2. Written Mid-Term Review
      1. Page 1
      2. Page 2
      3. Page 3


Tues. Dec 17

Period 7 Exam - All other classes...

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  3. Goal review - ........Assignment Goals #2
  4. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
      1. See it really BIG
  5. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
  6. Study for the Mid-Term
    1. Practical Mid-Term Review
    2. Written Mid-Term Review
      1. Page 1
      2. Page 2
      3. Page 3



Wed. Dec 18

Periods 5 and 4 Exams - All work due.

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  3. Goal review - ........Assignment Goals #2
  4. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
      1. See it really BIG
  5. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
  6. Study for the Mid-Term
    1. Practical Mid-Term Review
    2. Written Mid-Term Review
      1. Page 1
      2. Page 2
      3. Page 3


Thurs. Dec 19

Periods 2 and 6 Exams - All work due.

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  3. Goal review - ........Assignment Goals #2
  4. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
      1. See it really BIG
  5. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
  6. Study for the Mid-Term
    1. Practical Mid-Term Review
    2. Written Mid-Term Review
      1. Page 1
      2. Page 2
      3. Page 3


Fri. Dec 20 Periods 1 and 3 Exams - All work due. Short Day  

Second Grading Period

Week 8


Mon. Dec. 9
  1. Quote of the day
  2. name.........Edvard Munch
  3. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  4. Goal review - ........Assignment Goals #2
  5. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
  6. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
  7. Study for the Mid-Term
    1. Page 1
    2. Page 2
    3. Page 3
  1. Artist of the Day

Tues. Dec. 10

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Edvard Munch- Picture
  3. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  4. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2
  5. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
  6. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
  7. Study for the Mid-Term
    1. Page 1
    2. Page 2
    3. Page 3
Wed. Dec. 11
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Edvard Munchh -Picture
  3. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  4. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2
  5. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
  6. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
Thurs. Dec. 12
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week -Picture
  3. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  4. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2
  5. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
  6. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
Fri. Dec. 13
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up
    1. Using the Elements and Principles
      1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
      2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  3. Goal review --Assignment Goals #2
  4. Work on Van Gogh - Starry Night collage
  5. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.

Principles of Art written

Critique form

What is Art?

2 People


Second Grading Period

Week 7


Mon. Dec. 2
  1. Quote of the day
  2. 1Vincent Van Gogh
  3. Warm - up
    1. Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual -Texture
  4. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
    1. Design Techniques Pg #1
    2. Design Techniques Pg #2
  5. Work on Word Motif
  6. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.

Tues. Dec. 3

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Vincent Van Gogh- Picture 2
  3. Warm - up
    1. Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual -Texture
  4. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
    1. Design Techniques Pg #1
    2. Design Techniques Pg #2
  5. Work on Word Motif
  6. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
Wed. Dec. 4
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Vincent Van Gogh - Picture - Picture
  3. Warm - up
    1. Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Color
  4. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
    1. Design Techniques Pg #1
    2. Design Techniques Pg #2
  5. Finish up Word Motif
  6. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
Thurs. Dec. 5
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Picture - Large
  3. Warm - up
    1. Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual- Color
  4. Using the Elements and Principles
    1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
    2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
Fri. Dec. 6
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up
    1. Principles of Art Written - Principles of Art Visual - Visual #2
    2. Principles of Art - slide show
    3. Google link - Definitions
  3. Using the Elements and Principles
    1. Pick a simple image that says something about you.
    2. Do each of the Elements and Use it and one of the principles in each of the boxes to the left of the element.
  4. If you get done with the assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.

Principles of Art written

Critique form

What is Art?

2 People


Second Grading Period

Week 6


Mon. Nov. 25
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up
    1. Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Space
  3. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
    1. Design Techniques Pg #1
    2. Design Techniques Pg #2
  4. Work on Word Motif

Tues. Nov. 26

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up
    1. Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Space
  3. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
    1. Design Techniques Pg #1
    2. Design Techniques Pg #2
  4. Work on Word Motif
  5. When you get done with the Motif assignment go to this link and pick something to work on.
Wed. Nov. 27 NO SCHOOL  
Thurs. Nov. 28 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving  
Fri. Nov. 29 NO SCHOOL  

Principles of Art written

Critique form

What is Art?

2 People


Second Grading Period

Week 5


Mon. Nov. 18
  1. Quote of the day
  2. 1Artist of the week --Jackson Pollock
  3. Warm - up
    1. Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Shape
  4. Goal review -- Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
    1. Design Techniques Pg #1
    2. Design Techniques Pg #2
    3. Word art
      1. Robert Indiana #7
      2. Robert Indiana #8
  5. Work on Word Motif

Tues. Nov. 19

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Jackson Pollock
    1. Early work
  3. Warm - up
    1. Design Techniques Pg #1 - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Shape
  4. Goal review - Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
  5. Work on Word Motif
Wed. Nov. 20
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Jackson Pollock
  3. Warm - up -Design Techniques Pg #1 - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Shape
  4. Goal review - Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
  5. Work on Word Motif
Thurs. Nov. 21
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Jackson Pollock
  3. Jackson Pollock
  4. Warm - up -Design Techniques Pg #2 - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Form
  5. Goal review - Assignment Goals #2 --Typography Art
  6. Work on Word Motif
Fri. Nov. 22
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up -Design Techniques Pg #2 - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Form
  3. Goal review - Assignment Goals #2 - Typography Art
  4. Work on Word Motif

Principles of Art written

Critique form

What is Art?

2 People


Second Grading Period

Week 4


Tues. Nov. 12

  1. Quote of the day
  2. 1Artist of the week -Robert Indiana
  3. Robert Indiana #1
  4. Robert Indiana #2
  5. Warm - up
    1. Design Techniques Pg #1 - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Shape
  6. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  7. Work on Sketchbook Cover
Wed. Nov. 13
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week -
  3. Robert Indiana #3
  4. Robert Indiana #4
  5. Warm - up -Design Techniques Pg #1 - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Shape
  6. Goal review - Assignment Goals - Sketchbook cover.
  7. Work on Sketchbook Cover
Thurs. Nov. 14
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week -
  3. Robert Indiana #5
  4. Robert Indiana #6
  5. Warm - up -Design Techniques Pg #2 - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Form
  6. Robert Indiana #7
  7. Robert Indiana #8
  8. NEW ASSIGNMENT GOAL - Assignment Goals #2 -Typography Art
  9. Goal review - Assignment Goals - Sketchbook cover.
  10. Finish up - Sketchbook Cover
Fri. Nov. 15
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up -Design Techniques Pg #2 - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Form
  3. Goal review - Assignment Goals - Sketchbook cover.
  4. Assignment Goals #2 - Typography Art

Principles of Art written

Critique form

What is Art?

2 People


Second Grading Period

Week 3

Mon. Nov. 4
  1. Quote of the day
  2. remArtist of the week - Rembrandt
  3. Rembrandt 1
  4. Warm-up - Your own Overlapping letters
  5. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  6. Finish up Spooky Picture with your pumpkin in it somewhere
    1. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color

Tues. Nov. 5

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week -Rembrandt 2
  3. Compare and Contrast #2
  4. Warm-up -Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual
  5. Goal review - Assignment Goals - Sketchbook cover.
  6. Begin Sketchbook Cover
Wed. Nov. 6
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week -Rembrandt 3 - Rembrandt 4
  3. Warm-up - Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Line
  4. Goal review - Assignment Goals - Sketchbook cover.
  5. Work on Sketchbook Cover
Thurs. Nov. 7
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Rembrandt 5
  3. Warm - up -Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Shape
  4. Goal review - Assignment Goals - Sketchbook cover.
  5. Work on Sketchbook Cover
Fri. Nov. 8
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Warm - up -Elements of Art Written - Elements of Art Visual - Form
  3. Goal review - Assignment Goals - Sketchbook cover.
  4. Work on Sketchbook Cover

Principles of Art written

Critique form

What is Art?

2 People


Second Grading Period

Week 2

Mon. Oct. 28
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Thinking about everybody
  3. 1Artist of the week - Stuart Davis
  4. History of the World
  5. Warm-up - Your own Overlapping letters
  6. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  7. Finish up Pumpkin and begin Spooky Picture with your pumpkin in it somewhere
    1. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color

Tues. Oct. 29

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Stuart Davis - Picture 1
  3. History of the World
  4. Warm-up - Your own Overlapping letters
  5. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  6. Finish up Pumpkin and begin Spooky Picture with your pumpkin in it somewhere
    1. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color
Wed. Oct. 30
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Picture2
  3. Warm-up- Your own Overlapping letters
  4. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  5. Finish up Pumpkin and begin Spooky Picture with your pumpkin in it somewhere
    1. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color
Thurs. Oct. 31
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Picture3
  3. Warm - up - Your name collage
  4. Goal review -Overlapping letters
  5. Finish up Pumpkin and begin Spooky Picture with your pumpkin in it somewhere
    1. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color
Fri. Nov. 1
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Picture4
  3. Warm - up - Your name collage
  4. Goal review - Overlapping letters
  5. Finish up Pumpkin and begin Spooky Picture with your pumpkin in it somewhere
    1. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color

Second Grading Period

Week 1

Mon. Oct. 21
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week last week
  3. 1Artist of the week - Hieronymus Bosch
      1. Painting with music
  4. Warm - Your own pumpkin face
  5. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  6. Curvy line
  7. Fantastic pumpkin facesHalloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color
Letter Warm up

Tues. Oct. 22

  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Picture1
  3. Artist of the week - Hieronymus Bosch - Movie
  4. Warm - Your own pumpkin face
  5. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  6. Curvy line
  7. Fantastic pumpkin facesHalloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween.
  8. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color
Wed. Oct. 23
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Picture2
  3. Warm - Scary stuff
  4. Compare and contrast
  5. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  6. Curvy line
  7. Fantastic pumpkin facesHalloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween.
  8. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color
Thurs. Oct. 24
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Picture3
  3. Warm - Scary stuff
  4. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  5. Curvy line
  6. Fantastic pumpkin facesHalloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween.
  7. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color
Fri. Oct. 25
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Artist of the week - Picture4
  3. Warm - Scary stuff
  4. Goal review - Assignment Goals
  5. Curvy line
  6. Fantastic pumpkin facesHalloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween.
  7. Use black Lines or do a pencil drawing or use color
Oct. 22
Oct. 23
Oct. 24
Oct. 25
Oct. 26
  1. BEGIN 2nd Grading Period
  2. Quote of the day
  3. Class Rules
  4. Fantastic pumpkin faces
  5. Practice pumpkin face in your sketchbook
  6. Practice Pumpkin Drawing
  7. Circle line drawing techniques.
  8. Circle Design - Create a Halloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween. Use black and color lines
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Fantastic pumpkin facesHalloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween. Use black and color lines
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Circle Design - Create a Halloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween. Use black and color lines
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Circle Design - Create a Halloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween. Use black and color lines
  1. Quote of the day
  2. Other themes using circle technique.
  3. Create a hills and valley design. Create a design by toning in some of the areas.
Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Nov 1 Nov 2
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. Circle Design - Create a Halloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween. Use black and color lines
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. Sketch books graded
  3. Size - How big are you?
  4. Circle Design - Create a Halloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween. Use black and color lines
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. Finish up Circle Design - Create a Halloween design with your best pumpkin with face and other items that you think of when you think of Halloween. Use black and color lines
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. Rules for Period 7
  3. Turn in Circle Design
  4. Create a hills and valley design on your design tech page.
  5. Create a hills and valley design. Extra -Create a design by toning in some of the areas.
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. size movie
  3. Work on your hills and valley design. Extra -Create a design by toning in some of the areas.
Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 9
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. The Brain and the bell.
  3. Finish up hills and valley design. Extra -Create a design by toning in some of the areas.
  4. Create a hills and valley design Using your name for the hills and valley line. Bring out your name by coloring in areas in complimentary colors. Us all three combinations of colors - red and green, blue and orange, yellow and Purple. Alternate the complimentery colors.
  5. Design principles #1- Name design
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. Interconnection of partials after they touch. NonUtube
  3. Create a hills and valley design Using your name for the hills and valley line. Bring out your name by coloring in areas in complimentary colors. Us all three combinations of colors - red and green, blue and orange, yellow and Purple. Alternate the complimentery colors.
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. 100th Monkey
  3. Create a hills and valley design Using your name for the hills and valley line. Bring out your name by coloring in areas in complimentary colors. Us all three combinations of colors - red and green, blue and orange, yellow and Purple. Alternate the complimentery colors.
  1. Quote of the Day
  2. The nine dot puzzle
  3. Work on hills and valley design Using your name for the hills and valley line. Bring out your name by coloring in areas in complimentary colors. Us all three combinations of colors - red and green, blue and orange, yellow and Purple. Alternate the complimentery colors.
    1. 15 different lettering styles FROM A MAGAZINE OR NEWSPAPER.
  5. A Motif can be created by putting 2 or more simple shapes or things together in and interesting way. You use a motif to create a work of Art by repeating it and varying it in different ways.
  6. Create 3 different motifs and use one in a design .
  7. Name Design
    1. Artists that use words in their Art. - Conceptial Artists that use words in their Art
    2. Create 6 different lettering styles with thick lines using your name.
    3. Create a work of Art using your name as a Motif in First box of you Art Techniques page using each of the the following Design principles #1.
      1. Placement
      2. noticeable Size difference - size movie
      3. Repetition
      4. Overlapping
      5. Go off the page.
    4. Using the word ART as a Motif, in each of the other five boxes on your Art Techniques Page use the following Design Techniques #2.
      1. Box 2 - Different Directions
      2. Box 3 - Grouping by overlapping and non overlapping.
      3. Box 4 - Grouping by direction.
      4. Box 5 - Create a color wheel
      5. Box 6 - Grouping by warm and cool colors.
    5. Final Motif Project -
      1. Using your name or the name of someone you like create a work of Art using the Art Techniques we have been studying.
  1. Quote of the Day
    1. 15 different lettering styles FROM A MAGAZINE OR NEWSPAPER.
  3. Due today: hills and valley design Using your name for the hills and valley line. Bring out your name by coloring in areas in complimentary colors. Us all three combinations of colors - red and green, blue and orange, yellow and Purple. Alternate the complimentery colors.
  4. A Motif can be created by putting 2 or more things together in and interesting way. You use a motif to create a work of Art by repeating it and varying it in different ways.
  5. Create 3 different motifs and use one in a design .
  6. Name Design
    1. Artists that use words in their Art. - Conceptial Artists that use words in their Art
    2. Create 6 different lettering styles with thick lines using your name.
    3. Create a work of Art using your name as a Motif in First box of you Art Techniques page using each of the the following Design principles #1.
      1. Placement
      2. noticeable Size difference
      3. Repetition
      4. Overlapping
      5. Go off the page.
    4. Using the word ART as a Motif, in each of the other five boxes on your Art Techniques Page use the following Design Techniques #2.
      1. Box 2 - Different Directions
      2. Box 3 - Grouping by overlapping and non overlapping.
      3. Box 4 - Grouping by direction.
      4. Box 5 - Create a color wheel
      5. Box 6 - Grouping by warm and cool colors.
    5. Final Motif Project -
      1. Using your name or the name of someone you like create a work of Art using the Art Techniques we have been studying.
Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Motif overlapping (Opaque/transparent) and color placement.
    2. 4 Practice compositions on printing paper cropped 1 1/2 inches from the top of the page.
      1. Create 4 design organizations using a rectangle to stand for your motif.
      2. Think about how you place your motif in relationship to the other motifs.
      3. Think about overlapping opaque and transparent shapes.
    3. Begin your final design in pencil.
    4. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Zeno's Paradox
  2. A Motif can be created by putting 2 or more simple shapes or things together in and interesting way. You use a motif to create a work of Art by repeating it and varying it in different ways.
  3. Create 3 different motifs and use one in a design . DUE WED.
  4. Name Design
    1. Artists that use words in their Art. - Conceptial Artists that use words in their Art
    2. Create 6 different lettering styles with thick lines using your name.
    3. Create a work of Art using your name as a Motif in First box of you Art Techniques page using each of the the following Design principles #1.
      1. Placement
      2. noticeable Size difference - size movie
      3. Repetition
      4. Overlapping
      5. Go off the page.
    4. Using the word ART as a Motif, in each of the other five boxes on your Art Techniques Page use the following Design Techniques #2.
      1. Box 2 - Different Directions
      2. Box 3 - Grouping by overlapping and non overlapping.
      3. Box 4 - Grouping by direction.
      4. Box 5 - Create a color wheel
      5. Box 6 - Grouping by warm and cool colors.
    5. Final Motif Project -
      1. Using your name or the name of someone you like create a work of Art using the Art Techniques we have been studying.
      2. Begin your final design in pencil.
      3. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  2. A Motif can be created by putting 2 or more simple shapes or things together in and interesting way. You use a motif to create a work of Art by repeating it and varying it in different ways.
  3. Create 3 different motifs and use one in a design . DUE TODAY END OF THE PERIOD.
  4. Name Design
    1. Artists that use words in their Art. -
    2. Conceptial Artists that use words in their Art
    3. Create 6 different lettering styles with thick lines using your name. DUE FRIDAY END OF THE PERIOD
    4. Create a work of Art using your name as a Motif in First box of you Art Techniques page using each of the the following Design principles #1.
      1. Placement
      2. noticeable Size difference - size movie
      3. Repetition
      4. Overlapping
      5. Go off the page.
    5. Using the word ART as a Motif, in each of the other five boxes on your Art Techniques Page use the following Design Techniques #2.
      1. Box 2 - Different Directions
      2. Box 3 - Grouping by overlapping and non overlapping.
      3. Box 4 - Grouping by direction.
      4. Box 5 - Create a color wheel
      5. Box 6 - Grouping by warm and cool colors.
    6. Final Motif Project -
      1. Using your name or the name of someone you like create a work of Art using the Art Techniques we have been studying.
      2. Begin your final design in pencil.
      3. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. A Motif can be created by putting 2 or more simple shapes or things together in and interesting way. You use a motif to create a work of Art by repeating it and varying it in different ways.
  3. Create 3 different motifs and use one in a design .
  4. Name Design
    1. Artists that use words in their Art. -
    2. Conceptial Artists that use words in their Art
    3. Create 6 different lettering styles with thick lines using your name. DUE FRIDAY END OF THE PERIOD
    4. Create a work of Art using your name as a Motif in First box of you Art Techniques page using each of the the following Design principles #1.
      1. Placement
      2. noticeable Size difference - size movie
      3. Repetition
      4. Overlapping
      5. Go off the page.
    5. Using the word ART as a Motif, in each of the other five boxes on your Art Techniques Page use the following Design Techniques #2.
      1. Box 2 - Different Directions
      2. Box 3 - Grouping by overlapping and non overlapping.
      3. Box 4 - Grouping by direction.
      4. Box 5 - Create a color wheel
      5. Box 6 - Grouping by warm and cool colors.
    6. Final Motif Project -
      1. Using your name or the name of someone you like create a work of Art using the Art Techniques we have been studying.
      2. Begin your final design in pencil.
      3. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Artists that use words in their Art. -
    2. Conceptial Artists that use words in their Art
    3. Create 6 different lettering styles with thick lines using your name. DUE TODAY AT THE END OF THE PERIOD
    4. Create a work of Art using your name as a Motif in First box of you Art Techniques page using each of the the following Design principles #1.
      1. Placement
      2. noticeable Size difference - size movie
      3. Repetition
      4. Overlapping
      5. Go off the page.
    5. Using the word ART as a Motif, in each of the other five boxes on your Art Techniques Page use the following Design Techniques #2.
      1. Box 2 - Different Directions
      2. Box 3 - Grouping by overlapping and non overlapping.
      3. Box 4 - Grouping by direction.
      4. Box 5 - Create a color wheel
      5. Box 6 - Grouping by warm and cool colors.
    6. Final Motif Project -
      1. Using your name or the name of someone you like create a work of Art using the Art Techniques we have been studying.
      2. Begin your final design in pencil.
      3. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 23
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Artists that use words in their Art. -
    2. Conceptial Artists that use words in their Art
    3. Create a work of Art using your name as a Motif in First box of you Art Techniques page using each of the the following Design principles #1.
      1. Placement
      2. noticeable Size difference - size movie
      3. Repetition
      4. Overlapping
      5. Go off the page.
    4. Using the word ART as a Motif, in each of the other five boxes on your Art Techniques Page use the following Design Techniques #2.
      1. Box 2 - Different Directions
      2. Box 3 - Grouping by overlapping and non overlapping.
      3. Box 4 - Grouping by direction.
      4. Box 5 - Create a color wheel
      5. Box 6 - Grouping by warm and cool colors.
    5. Final Motif Project -
      1. Using your name or the name of someone you like create a work of Art using the Art Techniques we have been studying.
      2. Begin your final design in pencil.
      3. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Artists that use words in their Art. -
    2. Conceptial Artists that use words in their Art
    3. Create a work of Art using your name as a Motif in First box of you Art Techniques page using each of the the following Design principles #1.
      1. Placement
      2. noticeable Size difference - size movie
      3. Repetition
      4. Overlapping
      5. Go off the page.
    4. Using the word ART as a Motif, in each of the other five boxes on your Art Techniques Page use the following Design Techniques #2.
      1. Box 2 - Different Directions
      2. Box 3 - Grouping by overlapping and non overlapping.
      3. Box 4 - Grouping by direction.
      4. Box 5 - Create a color wheel
      5. Box 6 - Grouping by warm and cool colors.
    5. Final Motif Project -
      1. Using your name or the name of someone you like create a work of Art using the Art Techniques we have been studying.
      2. Begin your final design in pencil.
      3. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.






Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Nov. 30
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Motif overlapping (Opaque/transparent) and color placement.
    2. 4 Practice compositions on printing paper cropped 1 1/2 inches from the top of the page.
      1. Create 4 design organizations using a rectangle to stand for your motif.
      2. Think about how you place your motif in relationship to the other motifs.
      3. Think about overlapping opaque and transparent shapes.
    3. Begin your final design in pencil.
    4. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Motif overlapping (Opaque/transparent) and color placement.
    2. 4 Practice compositions on printing paper cropped 1 1/2 inches from the top of the page.
      1. Create 4 design organizations using a rectangle to stand for your motif.
      2. Think about how you place your motif in relationship to the other motifs.
      3. Think about overlapping opaque and transparent shapes.
    3. Begin your final design in pencil.
    4. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Motif overlapping (Opaque/transparent) and color placement.
    2. 4 Practice compositions on printing paper cropped 1 1/2 inches from the top of the page.
      1. Create 4 design organizations using a rectangle to stand for your motif.
      2. Think about how you place your motif in relationship to the other motifs.
      3. Think about overlapping opaque and transparent shapes.
    3. Begin your final design in pencil.
    4. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Art Techniques - Pos/Neg Space -
  3. Pos/neg Design. 20 Boxes
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Motif overlapping (Opaque/transparent) and color placement.
    2. 4 Practice compositions on printing paper cropped 1 1/2 inches from the top of the page.
      1. Create 4 design organizations using a rectangle to stand for your motif.
      2. Think about how you place your motif in relationship to the other motifs.
      3. Think about overlapping opaque and transparent shapes.
    3. Begin your final design in pencil.
    4. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
Dec. 5 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 7
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Begin your final design in pencil.
    2. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Begin your final design in pencil.
    2. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. The Wave and the particle.
  2. Start up
  3. Name Design
    1. Begin your final design in pencil.
    2. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Begin your final design in pencil.
    2. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Name Design
    1. Begin your final design in pencil.
    2. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 14
  1. Start up
  2. Work on the Name Design
    1. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Work on the Name Design
    1. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Work on the Name Design
    1. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Work on the Name Design
    1. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  1. Start up
  2. Work on the Name Design
    1. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Dec. 21
  1. Illusions
  2. Work on the Name Design
    1. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  3. Polyhedron extra credit
  1. Mid-Term - Period 7
  2. No Period 6 today
  3. Illusions
  4. Work on the Name Design
    1. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  5. Polyhedron extra credit
  1. Early Dismissal
  2. Mid-Term - Periods 1 & 2
  3. Illusions
  4. Finish up Name Design
    1. Organize shapes in the work in terms of warm and cool colors creating a strong center of interest. You should think about contrast of warm and cool and amount of warm and cool colors.
  5. Polyhedron extra credit
  1. Early Dismissal
  2. Mid-Term - Periods 3 & 4
  1. Early Dismissal
  2. Mid-Term - Periods 5 & 6
  3. End of 2nd qt.
Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 28
Winter Recess Winter Recess Winter Recess Winter Recess Winter Recess
Dec. 31 Jan. 1 Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 4
Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11
Winter Recess Winter Recess NO SCHOOL TEACHER WORK DAY
  1. Illusions
  2. Art Techniques - Pos/Neg Space - Copy the first page and the first 3 boxes of page 2. Your own designs go in the last 3 boxes.
    1. Page 1
    2. Page 2
  3. Pos/neg Design. 20 Boxes
  1. Illusions
  2. Art Techniques - Pos/Neg - Space
  3. Pos/neg Design. 20 Boxes
Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 13
  1. Illusions
  2. Art Techniques - Pos/Neg- Space
  3. Pos/neg Design. 20 Boxes
  1. Illusions
  2. Art Techniques - Pos/Neg - Space
  3. Pos/neg Design. 20 Boxes
  1. Illusions
  1. Illusions
  1. Early Dismissal
  2. End of 2nd qt.
Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Jan. 21