Mr. DietrichÕs 

Grading System


  1. Each project will be given a point value. Most of the projects will be worth 100 points.
    1. 70% of your grade will be for:
      1. The amount of work you do from the time the project is given until the day it is due.
      2. If you finish before the due date you must either work on a personal project or redo the assignment using different choices
      3. Your willingness to clean-up
    2. 10% of your grade will be for:
      1. If you achieve the goal(s) of the assignment.
    3. 10% of your grade will be for:
      1. The quality and
      2. How many creative choices you make - does your work stand out from the rest?
    4. 10% of your grade will be for:
      1. The visual impact of the work
      2. How well the project works.
  2. At the end of the interim and at the end of the grading period the points will be added up and a grade will be given based on the district guidelines of A = 90%, B=80%, C=70%, D=60%, F=50% and below.
  3. Personal improvement – No matter how good or bad you are you can always improve by involving yourself in your work. Are you just doing work at the same level all the time or are you improving your abilities? This can only add to your grade.

Re: August 6, 2013