1. Look at concentration statements early on! You know that you have to do one eventually so you might as well peruse some in the beginning of the class – that way, you'll be thinking about what you like to do and what interests you as you're taking pictures throughout the year.

2. Photograph everything you do! Everyone knows you have your phone with you everywhere you go, and if you get into the habit of just taking pictures of everything, you'll start to develop an eye for design and you'll get to see what you like to photograph.

3. PINTEREST will save your life for assignments. You know what kinds of styles you like - just search for something photography related on pinterest and scroll through all of the related images. Don't be afraid to stalk people's boards and go to websites for photography blogs - it'll give you so many ideas.

4. Don't stress out about it, but keep up taking pictures! It's fun, anyways.

5. Play around with Photoshop! You'll probably have no idea how to do anything in the beginning but by messing around with photos from the internet as well as your own and with the help of Mr. D and online photoshop tutorials, you'll figure out some ways to edit photos that are super cool.

6. Ask Mr. D and your friends what they think of your photos (because sometimes it's really hard to judge them when you've been staring at them in Photoshop every period for the last week - trust me, you'll get sick of looking at most of them after a while), but everything you decide to do is ultimately up to you. It's art, and you're the artist, so you get to make it how you want. That's the cool part.